
This is an open source and free Diamond Ranking tool for researchers of all kinds to use in their studies! You can go to the Github to download and get instructions to customize this tool for your particular study!

You will see 9, 12, 20, and 30 pyramid configurations on this site. You may change out these images in the Github and use the export functionality on this website to get participant pyramid ranks in your own study. Each rank exports as its own CSV when you hit the "Export" button, making it easy for analysis in any software!

If you use this tool, please attribute me (Nina Lutz) as its developer and write an email to me if you need help, have feedback, or just if you use it! This helps me as a researcher keep making things like this that help not only my studies, but yours too!

This tool was originally developed for a research study led by Sourojit Ghosh at the University of Washington, focused on harms in visual recommender systems like Stable Diffusion, for which there is specific code for image compatibility on the Github.